Angular Consulting

Digital Product Design
About our work

Expert Angular Consulting Services for Your Digital Success

Welcome to Ester Digital Angular Consulting, where we specialize in providing expert solutions for your development needs. As experienced consultants, we understand the intricate challenges that businesses face when working with this powerful and dynamic JavaScript framework. Our mission is to alleviate these challenges, unlock the true potential of Angular, and empower businesses to achieve remarkable digital transformations.

Skilled Angular Consultants with Industry Insights

Our highly skilled and certified Angular consultants have a deep understanding of industry trends and best practices. With their expertise, they provide cutting-edge solutions to maximize the potential of Angular. Whether you need AngularJS consulting or assistance with the latest Angular versions, our experts will guide you every step of the way.

Turning Challenges into Growth and Innovation Opportunities

Partnering with us, you gain not just a service, but a trusted partner committed to your success. Our collaborative approach ensures that we truly understand your business objectives and tailor our solutions accordingly. By combining our technical expertise with strategic thinking, we are able to turn complex challenges into opportunities for growth and innovation.

What we offer

Elevate Your Angular Projects with Our Consulting Services

We offer a comprehensive range of Angular consulting services to empower businesses in harnessing the full potential of this versatile JavaScript framework built with TypeScript. Our team of experienced consultants is dedicated to delivering tailored solutions that address your unique challenges and drive your business forward.

Angular Development and Architecture

Our Angular development and architecture consulting services are designed to help you build robust, scalable, and high-performing web applications. Our experts possess extensive knowledge of Angular and stay up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices.

Angular Code Review and Performance Optimization

Ensure your application is running at its peak performance with our code review and performance optimization services. Our consultants meticulously analyze your codebase, identifying potential bottlenecks, inefficiencies, and architectural flaws. We then provide actionable recommendations and implement optimization strategies to enhance your application’s speed, efficiency, and user experience.

Angular Migration and Upgrade

Stay ahead of the curve by migrating or upgrading your existing application to the latest versions. Our consultants have extensive experience in seamless migration and upgrading processes. We assess your AngularJS application, analyze dependencies, and develop a tailored migration strategy. Thus, we can meticulously plan the transition with minimal disruption to your business operations.

Angular Training

Our Angular consulting and training services provide you with access to our vast expertise and industry-leading knowledge. Additionally, we offer comprehensive training programs tailored to your team’s needs, empowering them with the skills and knowledge required to excel in development.

Rob Kassees Vice President of Product at ReferralExchange
A real estate platform tapped Ester Digital to redesign its landing pages. The team was able to deliver an initial version of the deliverables which was later improved thanks to the client's feedback. Their workflow was effective and their turnaround was fast.
Harris Maxwell COO at Studeo
The client has yet to launch the site, but they are satisfied with Ester Digital's work. In fact, they love how user-friendly the site's backend is. The team provides regular communication via Slack and email, responding to questions in a timely manner.
Jeremy Navarro Community-driven storyteller and hype man at General Catalyst Partners
It was a successful collaboration. The Ester Digital team delivered exactly what the client asked for and even accommodated ad hoc requests along the way. They also worked efficiently, delivering reliable services without compromising quality and punctuality.
James Quilligan Managing Director at Economic Democracy Advocates
Ester Digital's impressive web development work enabled them to create an exceptional site that was in line with the client's vision. The client particularly liked their cost-effective and responsive approach. They were creative, friendly, and detailed, which ensured the project's success.
Bhavisha Panchmatia Creative Director at Multi Corporation
Both the options that the company wanted the Ester Digital team to implement on their website is now live. The team always communicated with the company regarding their ability to take on any tasks, successfully managing expectations whenever the company needed extra tasks completed.
Our technologies

Cutting-Edge Technologies for Angular Solutions

At Ester Digital, we leverage a powerful arsenal of cutting-edge technologies to deliver exceptional consulting services. Our expertise in Angular, coupled with our proficiency in these technologies, allows us to construct robust, scalable, and innovative solutions that enhance our clients’ digital experiences.

Angular Framework

As industry-leading consultants, we have a deep understanding of the Angular framework and its capabilities. It provides a comprehensive ecosystem for building dynamic and feature-rich web applications. With its modular architecture, two-way data binding, and powerful templating system, we can help you create immersive and responsive user interfaces that engage and delight your audience.

AngularJS and Angular

Our team of Angular consultants is well-versed in both AngularJS and the latest Angular versions. Whether you require AngularJS consulting or need assistance with the latest Angular framework, we have the expertise to guide you. We understand the nuances and differences between these versions, enabling us to provide the most effective ways to migrate or upgrade your AngularJS application to Angular.

Modern JavaScript Frameworks

In addition to Angular and AngularJS, we harness the power of modern JavaScript frameworks like React, Vue.js, and Ember. This expertise allows us to approach your projects from a holistic perspective, providing you with a well-rounded solution that leverages the strengths of different frameworks and enhances the overall development process.

Robust Backend Technologies

To help you create truly dynamic and efficient applications, we share our expertise and experience in backend technologies such as Node.js and Express. They seamlessly integrate with Angular, ensuring scalable, high-performance, and data-driven applications that meet the unique needs of the clients’ businesses.

Scalable Architecture with NgModules

We follow best practices and utilize NgModules in our solutions. NgModules enable us to create modular and scalable applications, improving code organization, maintainability, and ease of development.


Enhanced Performance with Ahead-of-Time Compilation

We employ the AOT compilation feature in Angular to optimize the performance of your applications. AOT compilation compiles templates and components during the build process, resulting in faster load times and improved overall performance.

How we work

Our Proven Approach to Delivering Angular Consulting

As professional consultants, we follow a well-defined process to ensure the successful delivery of our Angular consulting services. Our approach is centered around collaboration, transparency, and a deep understanding of your unique business needs. Here’s how we ensure successful project delivery.

  • Initial Consultation: Understanding Your Goals

    The first step in our service process is the initial consultation. We value open communication and aim to understand your specific challenges, goals, and vision for your Angular development project. During this consultation, we gather essential information about your business, project requirements, and timeline.

  • Client's Needs Assessment: Evaluating Your Infrastructure

    After the initial consultation, our expert consultants conduct a thorough needs assessment. We dive deep into your project requirements, examine existing code, and evaluate your development infrastructure. This assessment enables us to identify areas for improvement, recommend the most suitable solutions, and develop a comprehensive plan to address your unique challenges.

  • Tailored Delivery: Customized Angular Strategies and Scalable Solutions

    Once we have a clear understanding of your needs, we move on to the delivery phase. Our team of Angular consultants brings their expertise and extensive experience to the table, developing customized strategies and solutions tailored to your specific requirements. We prioritize efficiency, scalability, and top practices, ensuring that your applications are built to stand the test of time.

  • Continuous Collaboration and Outcomes

    Throughout the engagement, we maintain open lines of communication with you, keeping you informed about the progress of the project. Our Angular consultants work closely with your team, offering guidance, sharing knowledge, and fostering a collaborative environment. We are committed to delivering measurable outcomes, empowering your business with streamlined development processes, enhanced code quality, and improved application performance.

Ways to engage

Approaches for Effective Partnership

  • Project Based

    For one-time needs that require a more agile approach – we work with your team on projects that have a clearly defined brief, budget, and timeline.

  • Leadership Training

    Drawing on all our experience solving most complex problems and immersing ourselves with your team as Creative Directors.

  • Strategic Partnership

    An ideal fit for companies that have ongoing design needs – we work with you to build out the deliverables needed to drive your marketing efforts.

Why us

Why Choose Ester Digital for Angular Consulting

Expertise Across Angular Versions

Our team of consultants possesses expertise across a wide range of Angular versions, including the latest iterations as well as AngularJS. This broad knowledge base allows us to cater to your specific needs, whether it’s providing AngularJS consulting or helping you leverage the latest features of Angular for your project.

Innovative Solutions and Roadmaps

We pride ourselves on our ability to provide innovative solutions and roadmaps tailored to your unique requirements. By staying at the forefront of Angular technology and thinking out of the box, we deliver exceptional strategies that can set your business apart from the competition.

Holistic Approach to Angular Consulting

At Ester Digital, we take a holistic approach to Angular consulting. We combine our technical expertise with a deep understanding of your business goals, target audience, and market dynamics. This allows us to develop strategic solutions that not only solve immediate challenges but also position your business for long-term success in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

Efficiency and Scalability

We prioritize efficiency and scalability in our approach to Angular consulting. Our consultants employ industry best practices and proven methodologies to streamline your development processes. We optimize code, improve performance, and enhance scalability to ensure your applications can grow with your business.

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