trans nordic tours tnt
Typography With a Local Touch: Trans Nordic Tours

Undoubtedly, localness is praiseworthy. This is generally accepted. In a world plagued by air miles, far-flung travel at the drop of a hat, climate change, food additives, and strawberries in January, the worries of the world at large have a panacea. Instead of globalism, there is localism. With healthy food grown locally, a sense of...

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Web brutalism, glitch and pixel art as a reasonable response to the mass obsession with perfection

Mass obsession with perfection. How can we define this? Is it doing a great job or is it looking great? And is there a link between these two and the apparent reaction of brutalism, glitch and pixel art? Company Mission Statements still exist in one form or another. They were in great vogue 20 years...

tnt trans nordic tours
Our new submission to the Awwwards and the FWA

We are happy to present a new website for our Key Client from Denmark. The updated version of is finally going live and you are welcome to take a look.  Ester Digital team would like to ask everybody for support and votes at Awwwards & The FWA. Trans Nordic Tours is a leading B2B specialist for Scandinavia and the Nordic and...

ester photo identity
How social and cultural trends have influenced visual design, character design & illustration

Silhouettes, colours and metaphors have changed over the last 20 years and links can be made between social trends and these changes. Let’s look at what is happening right now. Past trends and connections between visual design and illustration and the zeitgeist of the past are often very easy to recognise in hindsight, but to stand...

ester digital clutch co Identifies Ester Digital as a Leading Small Business Web Designer

The last 4-years of crafting simple and stylish websites for our clients have been phenomenal.

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